Sikh is a Hindu Kshatriya warrior's ( Hindu is a Sikh & Sikh is a Hindu)

What do Sikh people think about Hindus?
     Answered by Jasbeer Singh 
               I being a Sikh think of Hindus as one of the most tolerant people who are receptive to other ideologies. They were our ancestors, they ‘are’ our blood brothers, we share same surname with many Hindus (Singh), they strive for the same goal (in spiritual terms). They treat us as their own, yet they never pretend to own us because they always respect our separate identity. We have always lived side by side shoulder to shoulder in all our good & bad times like caring sharing friends. Above all India lives in our hearts.

  • They were our ancestors for sure because my ancestors may or may not be Muslims before Sikhi started, they may or may not be Buddhists/Jains at the beginning of this millennium but they were one hundred percent Hindus before choosing any another Spiritual Path for themselves that’s for sure.
  • They are our blood brothers. Not to go very far in time when in 80s the violence in Punjab had reached it’s peak the relations between Hindus & Sikhs deteriorated like anything specially after 1984 incidents, yet by early 90s it was all over and militancy came to it’s decisive end. Some give credit to Government, some to security forces and some to Sikhs & Hindus as a community. Not taking away anything from anyone but one of the biggest reason was that lots of Hindu-Sikh families in Punjab were very much intermingled and connected through marriages and hence one there were lot of blood relations among Hindus-Sikhs, this proved decisive in putting full stop to all mindless acts of violence that just caused hatred and bitterness as it couldn’t stand on it’s feet for a long time like Kashmir for example.
  • Hindus are very much receptive to other ideologies. Today when some Sikhs try to point mistakes in Hindus (thanks to hinduphobia) forget to appreciate one point that had Hindus been so rigid in their perspective who would have followed Guru Nanak and other Gurus. Agreed, even Muslims were their followers and some even converted but in the end the biggest thing which stopped most of the Muslims from converting in large numbers was mainly because the basic premise of Islam rests on this reason that Prophet Muhammed is last. Hence to accept Gurus as prophet wasn’t easy for them (barring few specially Sufis) while such restrictions never applied to any Hindu, hence they accepted Gurus with open arms (Panj Pyaras, Banda Bahadur)
  • The goals of Hindus and Sikhs are absolutely the same. We all have to strive to gain freedom from bondage of repeated life cycles. Hence learning about Sikhism will benefit Hindus tremendously same is true for Sikhs when learning about Hinduism specially Vedanta. The more inter faith studies and discussion the more closeness one will discover through natural course. The differences may look huge externally and which they are but philosophical differences aren’t much.
  • We use Singh as surname which was inspired from Kshatriya clan of Rajputs, there must be some reason and thinking behind Guruji’s choosing of Singh as surname instead of Khan as the latter also represented the warrior class of Pathans. The word Singh also signified the valor of a Lion.
  • Hindus always treat us as their own. Never once I have across a single Hindu who tries to negate our existence or show any jealousy most of the Hindus are very comfortable interacting with us.
  • We always live side by side, let’s face the fact Sikhs outside Punjab prefer thousand times more to live in Hindu areas compared to Muslims, nothing against anyone but just a fact.

In short Hindus and Sikhs, Hinduism and Sikhism always Compliment each other and never compete. As a Sikh I love to read stories and take inspiration from great epics like Mahabhartha or Ramayan for my life and spiritual development, but if anyone tries to create any doubt as to the authenticity of such texts, there I get the clear message of our Guru.

ਰਾਮ ਕਥਾ ਜੁਗ ਜੁਗ ਅਟਲ ਸਭ ਕੋਈ ਭਾਖਤ ਨੇਤ ॥ ਸੁਗ ਬਾਸ ਰਘੁਬਰ ਕਰਾ ਸਗਰੀ ਪੁਰੀ ਸਮੇਤ ॥੮੫੮॥
राम कथा जुग जुग अटल सभ कोई भाखत नेत ॥ सुग बास रघुबर करा सगरी पुरी समेत ॥८५८॥
The story of Ram remain immortal throughout the ages and in this way Ram went to abide in heaven alongwith (all the resident of) the city

~Dasam Granth

Beḏ purān simriṯ suḏẖākẖ▫yar.
The Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees, the purest of utterances,
Kīne rām nām ik ākẖ▫yar.
were created from the One Word of the Name of the Lord.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh” 💐🌹🕉🙏
Jai Shri Ram 💐🌹🕉🙏

Santoshkumar B Pandey at 4.00Pm.


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