How Communist, Lefist & Islamic terror ideology destorying a Our Hindu culture of Sabarimala Temple !

How Communist, Lefist, Christian missionary & Islamic terror ideology destorying a Our Hindu culture of Sabarimala Temple !

List of *All Women* who attempted to enter Sabarimala temple:

1. Libi - Xtian, Atheist

2. Suhasini Raj - Atheist, Hindu hater, NYT journalist

3. Kavitha Jakkal - Xtian

4. Rehana Fatima – Muslim who carried stained Sanitary Napkin along with coconut to offer “Ayyappa”

5. Mary Sweety - Xtian

 Direct questions to some of my intellectual friends:

1)      Should we let 5 non-Hindu activists decide the future of 10,000+ year old Hindu dharma? Come… on my friends!

2)      Are they devotees? Are they well-wishers?

3)      Are they asking equalities for our moms, sisters, or daughters? Do they really care?

4)      Why are they not fighting to reform their own religions? Why don’t they fight for cruel girl genital mutilations?

5)      What is their motive?

Most of us are educated and believe in reforms/equality. But, at the same time, we do not want to be trapped by someone’s evil motives behind the name of equality. We do not want to be among those educated gullible who need only one logical reason to be persuaded! We want to go beyond one logical reason. We should be looking every action through different perspectives and different angles (see above questions). We should put more focus on the intentions and motives.

All most all Hindu women are okay with the current restrictions. The women who are asking temple access are either atheists or from other religions, they are not even devotees, they are not doing for worship, equality, or to reform Hinduism! They are simply trying to denigrate Hinduism and to tear down the fabric of Hinduism. We should not let them win in their evil motive. Anti-Hindu elements have a set and a systematic agenda to break apart Hinduism and then Bharat. Remember, they are not doing for our sisters, daughters, and moms. They are moving with their own agenda.

All Hindu reforms should come from within Hindus after thorough analysis, research, study, and understanding. We should involve dharmgurus and scholars to bring needed reforms. Unlike others, Hinduism is progressive and flexible religion. We have reformed in the past (for example “Sati Pratha”) and could be done again. But, no external elements, especially anti-Hindu regiment should force us.

If we let them open one door today, tomorrow they will object why women have to sit back in certain temples? And, I am sure they would! Wait and watch. There is no end to it. Stop it now or never. There are tons of rituals in all religions they do not make any sense to most, but they make perfect sense to their devotees. Diwali fire work is already banned in Delhi. All festivals are under heavy attacks behind the name of reforms. Where are we heading to? So, the bottom line is to reform all or none. Supreme Court should not be selective. Restrict women from 300,000 mosques and lift restrictions from one Hindu temple. Why the SC itself is discriminatory? Five non-Hindu activist’s concerns matter, but 1 billion+ Hindus’ faith not? From the SC and Govt perspective, it should be “Fix all religions completely or none”! The SC should not interfere in rituals as long as they are not abusive, violent, threat, harmful, unsafe, or with a discriminatory motive. In this case, individual right was given higher priority than the basic Hindu practices. We should not allow SC’s double standards.

 Hindus are simply asking to save their faith, traditions, customs, culture, and thousands of years-old heritages in their own country which are being attacked in the name of reforms. Is it too much to ask for?

All Hindus, temples, dharmgurus, leaders and organizations should first fight against the break-Hinduism forces and then work on reforms!

There are reasons why women between age group of 11-50 is not allowed;

1. The old path to reach the temple is mountainous and it takes around 3 days to reach the temple, on the way there are no proper bathrooms or sanitation facility and cannot be built permanently becoz it may affect wild life.

2. Ayyappa is naytika brahmachari and he is sitting in dhyana, hence people who go have to follow 41 days of upvasa.
3. The mountain where the temple is built is not so huge to accommodate huge crowd and again sanitation facilities are less. 

4. The entry to the temple is through a narrow 2 people stairs which has to be climbed and if women are allowed then separate line for them specially during 2 months when the temple is open from Nov to Jan would become difficult.

Yes, now there is a new way to climb which hardly takes 5 hours but again point 2 to 4 mentioned above remains the same. 
Can all these facilities be provided? Yes but it is difficult and destroy the wild life.
Can't this tradition change? 
 It is the Hindu women to decide that and not media or any court order (I respect Supreme court).

Currently just to show that women are courageous, activist are climbing to sabarimala without 41 days upvasa, without erumudi (coconut filled with ghee on ones head) and with chappels.
Remember, most are non Hindu women.

 When the entire Hindu women in Kerala are on streets to protest against this.

Hindu organizations in south India have launched massive protests against the Indian supreme court’s decision to allow women to visit the Sabarimala temple in Kerala. Traditionally women aged 10 to 50 were prevented from entering the temple because Lord Ayyappa, the deity of the Sabarimala temple, is a bachelor (naishtika brahmachari), and the presence of young women would disturb the deity. Hindu women devotees have expressed anger at the court decision, and insisted that they do not wish to enter the Sabarimala temple violating the ancient traditions of the temple.

“As someone working in the medical field for 25-30 years I wanted to give a scientific explanation on why women should not enter the temple during menstruation.”

“Unlike other religions' places of worship which are prayer halls, Hindu temples are situated within a magnetic field.”

"We construct (consecrate) the Hindu temple in an area with high magnetic field.”

“When a priest (thanthri) consecrates a Hindu temple, a life force is transferred from the priest to the idol in the temple, and this life force is expanded and the place becomes an ethereal environment.”

“I will give a scientific explanation on why women should not visit the Hindu temple during their menstruation period.”

"The body has different levels of existence, which modern science has not understood, and that has caused several misconceptions in society.

"Just as this mobile phone has hardware, software, and battery, we also have a body, we have our mind, and we have an energy body".

"The biggest deficiency of modern medicine is that it is a structural science. Its understanding is limited to the hardware of the body. If you ask physicians like me who practice modern medicine, we don't have a good explanation to how the mind works."

Prana or life force is an energy body that works through the 72,000 nerves (nadi) in our body which go parallel to our nervous system.”

“There are 7 plexus in our body or “chakras” similar to the neural plexus. In every person, there is a basic life force that resides in our “mooladhaara” or anal plexus.”

“If you go above it (anal plexus), that’s where our survival or fighting instinct is based. Above that near the celiac plexus is where our business instinct is based.”

The life force in each person is at a different level.”

“We go to the temple (Hindu) so that we can raise our energy from its lower level to progressively higher levels to universal awareness. This is the concept of spirituality in Hinduism (sanatana dharma).”

- “Spirituality is the process by which we raise the energy in our lower level to the next level, step by step, to grow into universal awareness.”

"Temples (Hindu) move our life force in an upward direction."

"There are five "prana vayu" (life forces or vital air) in the body. These are prana, samana, apana, vyana, and udana. There are also upa-vayu (sub-life forces) like prasuti vayu (vital air that is responsible for child birth)."

"Prasuti vayu" (the sub-life force or vital air that is responsible for child birth) is situated in the uterus and the female genital organs. It creates a negative force, a downward force, when a woman is menstruating."

"The downward force of the “prasuti vayu" (the sub-life force or vital air that is responsible for child birth) is very strong when a woman is pregnant, that is why the head of the baby in the womb comes down by the 8th month of pregnancy.”

“Menstruating women should not go to temples because they experience a downward force in their body, while the temple pulls our life force upwards. So it may cause the menstrual blood to go back into the body in the opposite direction, or may cause the tubes in the uterus to become closed, which could lead to infertility or endometriosis.”

“Lord Ayyappa (deity of the Sabarimala temple), a form of Sastha, is a celibate, and in the Sabarimala temple his idol is seated in the yoga pose called Yogapattasana, which is favorable to celibacy.”

“In everyone of us there is a male form (bhava) and a female form. Every person is partly male and partly female in our thinking and in our existential level.”

“In this twentieth century whatever is needed for our spiritual development is provided by Lord Ayyappa (deity of Sabarimala temple).”

“We have to observe 41 days of “mandala kalam” (vow of austerity) before we go to Sabarimala temple. This is because our body needs 21 days to complete a cell renewal cycle. When we take a vow of austerity during the 41 days of “mandala kalam”, our body goes through two complete cell regeneration cycles, which changes our thoughts and mind.”

“Women are not able to observe the vow of austerity for 41 days because it is not good for them to experience positive energy or northward energy when they also have “prasuti vayu” (the sub-life force or vital air that is responsible for child birth, which creates a negative or downward force), so women were excluded from observing penance.”

“Lord Ayyappa does not think that it is impure for women to come to the Sabarimala temple. Women are asked to stay away from the Ayyappa temple to protect their own health”.

“A devotee’s body and mind need to be pure if you are to step on the srichakra and go to the Sabarimala temple, for which you need to undergo penance for the 41 days of the “mandala kalam”. Women are asked not to go to the temple because we cannot do the 41 days penance, so we have no right to step on the srichakra in the temple. Will you knowingly step on a buried time bomb?”

“A 16-year girl said on TV that she went to the temple during her menstruation as a form of protest… The prana vayu (life form) active in your body will take its negative form and hurt you. Our problem is that many people don’t have this information. All this is very scientific.”

I hope that helps

#Save Sabarimala
#Save Sabarimala Faith
#Protect Hinduism,
#Save Hindu Dharma 🕉⛳🙏

SantoshKumar  B  Pandey at 5.50Pm.


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